by Matt Chandler
I often wonder what the foundation is for a lot of what we see in American Evangelicalism. Have we seen Him? Have we as 2 Corinthians 3:18 states been changed into His likeness because we beheld His glory? Or do we worship for other reasons? Reasons that will eventually expose where are hearts really are. When our worship is based on how we feel we are being treated by God, then our love for creation over the creator (Romans 1:22-24) becomes exposed. The pain of life skips over no human being. It will find us all. It is impossible to hide from it. It is a result of a fallen world that groans to be redeemed (Romans 8). When God is loved for who He is, His love creates worship even in our pain because we know that we are not under wrath, but under mercy. What difficulties befall us, God uses for our progressive sanctification.
It is in these thoughts that I begin to understand Moses cry to see the Glory of God. (Exodus 33:18) How helpless we are to love God for God. It cannot be willed or determined into being (Romans 9:16) We need Him to move in us, speak to us, show us, break us, heal us, stir us, woo us, humble us, give us eyes to see and ears to hear. If He does not, then our worship grows stale. It becomes about styles of music and whether or not we are “happy” or “healthy.” It is a worship that is fleeting at best and not true worship at worst. The type of worship that brings joy and freedom, hope and satisfaction, is the praise that flows from our hearts to God, for God, about God and because of God. I pray more than you know that He let us as a generation love Him so. May He make much of Him with so little of us!
Matt is the Pastor of The Village in Dallas, TX. His passion is for church reform and the Glory of God to be seen and worshipped. He conveys this passion not only at his home church but at many conferences and events across the country.